Language is a powerful React.js library designed to streamline the process of building multilingual applications. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and components to facilitate internationalization and localization within your React.js projects.

React.js Documentation Introduction

This documentation will guide you through the installation process, usage instructions, and advanced features of the Language.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
    • Basic Setup
    • Translation
    • Dynamic Language Switching
    • Pluralization
    • Date and Time Formatting
    • Currency Formatting
  3. Advanced Features
    • Nested Translations
    • Contextual Translations
    • External Translation Files
    • Custom Language Switcher
  4. API Reference
  5. Examples
  6. Troubleshooting
  7. Contributing
  8. License

1. Installation <a name=”installation”></a>

To start using Lungeage in your React.js project, you can install it via npm or yarn:

npm install


yarn add

2. Usage <a name=”usage”></a>

Basic Setup <a name=”basic-setup”></a>

Advanced Reactjs Language Localization and Internationalization Documentation. To use Lungeage, you need to wrap your application with the LungeageProvider component. This provider should be placed at the root of your component tree.

basic setp

Advanced Reactjs Language Localization and Internationalization Documentation In the example above, we pass the default language and translations to the LungeageProvider. The translations the prop should be an object containing key-value pairs where the keys represent the translation keys and the values represent the translated strings.

Translation <a name=”translation”></a>

To translate text within your components, you can use the useTranslate hook provided by Lungeage. This hook returns a translation function that can be used to retrieve translated strings based on the current language.

Translations geeting

In the example above, the translation key 'greeting' is passed to the t function to retrieve the translated string.

Dynamic Language Switching <a name=”dynamic-language-switching”></a>

The language supports dynamic language switching within your application. You can use the useLanguage hook to get the current language and a setLanguage function to change the language.


3. Advanced Features <a name=”advanced-features”></a>

Language provides several advanced features to enhance your multilingual React.js applications. These features include nested translations, contextual translations, external translation files, and custom language switchers.

Nested Translations <a name=”nested-translations”></a>

The language supports nested translations, allowing you to organize your translations in a hierarchical structure. This can be useful when dealing with complex applications with multiple components and nested UI elements.


In the example above, the translation keys '', 'profile.description', and '' represent nested translations. The translations object should be structured accordingly to provide the corresponding translations.

Contextual Translations <a name=”contextual-translations”></a>

Language allows you to define contextual translations, which are translations that vary based on the context in which they are used. This can be helpful when a single word or phrase has different translations depending on the context.

use Translate

In the example above, the translation key '' is passed along with the context option to the t function. The context can be any string value that helps determine the appropriate translation. Make sure to define the contextual translations in your translations object.

External Translation Files <a name=”external-translation-files”></a>

Language supports loading translations from external files, allowing you to separate translations from your component code. This can be beneficial when working with a large number of translations or when collaborating with translators.


In the example above, the translations are imported from an external translations.json file and passed to the LungeageProvider. The translations.json file should contain the translation key-value pairs.

Custom Language Switcher <a name=”custom-language-switcher”></a>

Language allows you to create a custom language switcher in your application. You can use the useLanguage hook to get the current language and a setLanguage function to change the language.


In the example above, the LanguageSwitcher component uses the useLanguage hook to access

4. API Reference <a name=”api-reference”></a>

<LungeageProvider> Component

The <LungeageProvider> the component is used to wrap your application and provide the necessary context for Lungeage translations.


  • defaultLanguage (string, required): The default language to be used when no language is specified.
  • translations (object, required): An object containing the translation key-value pairs.

useTranslate Hook

The useTranslate hook provides a translation function that can be used to retrieve translated strings based on the current language.



useLanguage Hook

The useLanguage hook allows you to access the current language and provides a function to change the language.



Translation Function

The translation function returned by the useTranslate hook can be used to retrieve translated strings.




  • translationKey (string): The translation key for the desired translation.

Nested Translations

Nested translations allow you to organize translations in a hierarchical structure.


translations string

Contextual Translations

Contextual translations allow you to define translations that vary based on the context.


translations string

External Translation Files

You can load translations from external files using the translations prop of the <LungeageProvider> component.



Custom Language Switcher

You can create a custom language switcher component using the useLanguage hook to access the current language and change it using the setLanguage function.


Custom Language Switcher

5. Examples <a name=”examples”></a>

For examples of how to use Lungeage in different scenarios, please refer to the examples directory in the official Lungeage repository.

6. Troubleshooting <a name=”troubleshooting”></a>

If you encounter any issues while using Lungeage, please refer to the troubleshooting guide in the official documentation.

7. Contributing <a name=”contributing”></a>

Contributions to Lungeage are welcome! If you would like to contribute, please follow the guidelines outlined in the contributing guide.

8. License <a name=”license”></a>

Language is released under the MIT License. Please refer to the LICENSE file in the official repository for more details.

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